mental health and divorce

Addressing Mental Health Issues in Divorce and Child Custody Disputes

Divorce and child custody disputes are, at best, stressful and mentally consuming. At worst, they can completely derail a parent’s mental health and interfere with their ability to fulfill their obligations. It’s important to realize, though, that mental health issues can have a negative effect on your family law case.

Are you facing family law issues that you’re not quite sure how to handle? It’s time to talk to Nowell Law Firm. Schedule a consultation now by calling us at 864-469-2481.

The Impact of Divorce on Mental Health

It should come as no surprise that divorce and child custody concerns can be devastating for your mental health. Even someone without a history of mental health issues can find themselves facing depression and anxiety during this process. Each day is unpredictable, you’re unsure about your financial status, and you may not even know if you’ll get to see your child again—mental health issues are understandable.

Many people report that the divorce process was traumatizing for them. This includes both adults going through the divorce themselves and children watching their parents go through it. Trauma can lead to a range of mental health symptoms, such as irritability, self-isolation, unpredictable emotions, fatigue, and dissociation.

Protecting Your Mental Health During This Process

It is crucial to protect yourself as you go through either a divorce or a child custody dispute. First, it’s an important component of your overall health and well-being. If you aren’t safeguarding your mental health, it’s hard to be the parent you need to be. While divorce can be traumatizing, you still deserve as much mental peace as you can find.

Second, it is all too easy for one parent to use another parent’s mental health issues against them when it comes to family law issues. Ideally, this won’t even be a concern. While health issues that legitimately put children in danger or make someone an incapable parent should have an effect on custody, using a parent’s very normal reactions to divorce against them is unfair.

However, it’s important to prepare for every possible outcome and scenario when going through a divorce. By prioritizing your mental health, you give your co-parent as little ammunition as you possibly can.

Take advantage of the resources available in your community. This may mean seeking out a psychiatrist or therapist, attending a divorce support group, or prioritizing time with friends and family members. It may also mean spending more time on your hobbies and activities you love.

How Mental Health Issues Can Affect Child Custody and Divorce

Untreated or uncontrolled mental health issues can definitely have a negative effect on your divorce or child custody issues. Depression and anxiety are two of the most common mental health concerns, and both can have serious ramifications for your family law concerns. Depression can leave you with apathy or a sense of hopelessness.

Depressed people going through divorce often don’t have it in them to fight for what they want or advocate for themselves. This may lead them to accept unfavorable divorce agreements, simply because they are too tired and dissociated to care. But this temporary feeling, and the decision you make because of it, can affect you for the rest of your life.

Anxiety can also complicate your family law concerns. Those struggling with anxiety during this time may struggle to make important decisions since weighing their options often leads to finding the worst possible outcome in every scenario. Additionally, those with anxiety may worry about or obsess over different aspects of the divorce process, causing them to focus on the wrong things. This leaves them without the mental bandwidth needed to face these concerns head-on.

Ideally, these issues will fade away as the divorce or child custody dispute gets resolved. At that point, the decisions you made will have a very real effect on your life. Make sure you get the support you need to protect yourself.

Reach Out to Nowell Law Firm to Discuss Your Family Law Needs

At Nowell Law Firm, we recognize how stressful family law concerns can be. Let us guide you through this challenging time and help you prepare for what comes next. To schedule a consultation, just send us a message online or call us at 864-469-2481.

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